Follow the adventures of Wonder G (Eugenia) also known as Gigi as she explored the world. She aims to bring joy, a smile with her every posts -hope it brightens your day:)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Grandmother perfect cuppa
December is a beautiful month with so many activities packed to one single month! Just parties alone, and there are more than my ten little fingers can count! But, this page is about coffee maker ratings that is so beautiful that most of you would let out a "sigh" and maybe some of you would have tears in your eyes.
My mummy wrote that rating page many many months ago, and that was long before me -the singapore cutest baby even existed! That page was about the coffee, the beautiful experience that she shared with her grandmother, it is a simple cup of coffee but filled with such love and other positive emotional stuff that it is worthy to be rated the world best coffee!
Very often, in the search for the best coffee, we would looked at the machines, the beans and definitely the NIP (nutrition information pane, especially these days, you want to make sure that there is no melamine!), but have you consider how are you having them?
Mummy and daddy was just discussing the life that was lost in Mumbai recently. The lady was so young and would definitely have a full life but it was all taken away from her, but reading the reports, they know that she live a good life.
Life after all, is not about what you have, but what you are. And what you are, comes from the impressions the rest of the world has about you. The young lady has nothing but positive comments, which means she lives a good life.
Even Mummy's grandmother with her great coffee has live a good life. She has done a thing that nobody can take it away from her! She has brewed coffee that is etched in the memory of my mummy forever. After all, you cannot really beat coffee brewed with love, right?
I am not ready to do my coffee maker ratings (I do not know when I would be able to do that!), but if you have a story to share and inspire the rest of us folks, just click on that link and let your emotion run (there is even some free stuff to download!)
After all, stories are what define humanity, do you really believe that the numbers in the bank meant anything to you if there wasn't a someone to share with? Moments and memories are what we live for, and recently more important with the spate of negative news floating around...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
This krupps coffee maker is wrong!
When I grow up, I am going to make sure that I master my spelling well. So that, there would not be any mis-communication or embarrassment. I am thinking of the recent krupps coffee maker saga that involves daddy and one of his good pal.
If you have been following my writing, you would know that daddy loves his cuppa. He reads about them and make some money writing about them. He consider himself to be sort of a coffee machine guru. So, he was not too happy when his friend told him that there is no such coffee brewer known as krupps coffee maker.
So, they banter for a while, with daddy telling him how this machine is supposed to look like and the friend telling him that he cannot find any machine that matches this brand. In the end, daddy's friend is right. There is no such brand krupps, there is however a brand known as krups.
And of course, there is a coffee maker that matches the description that daddy says. Well, it is sort of a happy ending but you can see how confusing life can be when a word got spelled wrongly.
They are just talking about nonsensical stuff, can you imagine what would happen if they are talking serious things. I guess this is how misunderstanding comes about and maybe even how wars are started -wrong spelling...
But anyway, do you know that in the end the friend ended up buying that coffee maker online (as they are arguing and they are trashing it out on Google). This is one of the reason why daddy remembers this coffee machine vividly.
It is a real value for money. Retailing at only $40, this krups coffee maker comes with all the trappings of a full feature coffee machine that is retailing at more than $100. Seeing a good deal, daddy's friend bought it immediately.
Daddy was sharing with him that in Singapore retail stores, you probably would not be able to get such a deal because, the prices of coffee brewers are sort of fixed in the retail scene here. So,it is cheaper to buy machines online even after factoring the logistics cost.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Would he replied?
This is a story that touches mummy and daddy heart, it was told by Pastor Chia on a beautiful Sunday of 2nd November 2008. It touches their hearts, because deep within all of us, christians and even non-christians, at a certian point in time, we would asked if our god answer our prayers.
Of course, being Christians, we know there is no other gods and so, the prayers of non-christians would likely be unanswered. But for us, christians, how many of us has actually heard the voice of God? How many of us has actually hear God talking?
Now, this story is interesting in two ways, God works in mysterious ways and Yes, he answered prayers.
The story goes like this, with a young man like all of us wondering if God still speaks to his people. I mean as you read bible story, you read about Moses, Abraham and David, all having so close contact with God, and think aloud that of course it is easy to follow God -they have all spoken to him.
But, what about us? I have been going to church for a while, but have yet to hear God speaks? But, are we sure about that?
I guess this is what goes through the young man's mind as he was thinking about how God used to speak to his people and now maybe not so often. Anyway, after the service as he was driving back, he prayed that God would speak to him.
Then, he sort of hear a voice asking him to buy a gallon of milk. he ignore it. Then, the voice came again -this time more persistent. Well, he think aloud, if this is God speaking and an action that God requires him to do, it is not too diffcult.
So, he purchased that gallon of milk and then as he was driving back, a voice told him to turn to the 7th Avenue. It does not make any sense, but then he think back to the many bible story where god asked people to do things, usually they just obey, and so did he.
This 7th avenue is a middle class neighbourhood. Not well to do, but definitely those in dire needs. And he was driving through, he noticed that all the shops and houses are dark, probably have retired for the night.
Again, the voice speaks, telling him to stop the car and send the milk to the house across the street. The house is dark like the rest, the occupants supposedly should be sleeping.
He questioned the voice, thinking it would make him a fool if he would to do that. But, he choose to obey. He walk to the front door, knock on the door.
A man with jeans and t-shirt bellow "who is that". It gave the young man a startle, he only manages "this milk is for you". Immediately, tears streamed from the man inside the house.
The man speaks in Spanish to the wife, rush to the wife and the young man could see that with there was a baby together with them. When the man came back, he asked the young man if he is an angel send by God.
He told the young man that they have spend all their money paying for their bills, and do not have any money left to purchase milk for the baby and is praying to God for milk. And straight after, the young man came with the milk.
With that, tears flow from the young man eyes, he took out his wallet and gave all his money to the man and walk away from the house. It left him a changed man, but with a strengthen faith -God STILL answered prayers...
The young man probably never expect God to answer his prayer in this manner and neither did the man inside the house. But when God works in mysterious ways and you can be sure that not only are they blessed by this situation, their story continues to bless and encourages many more, and yes, he would always reply...
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