When I grow up, I am going to make sure that I master my spelling well. So that, there would not be any mis-communication or embarrassment. I am thinking of the recent krupps coffee maker saga that involves daddy and one of his good pal.
If you have been following my writing, you would know that daddy loves his cuppa. He reads about them and make some money writing about them. He consider himself to be sort of a coffee machine guru. So, he was not too happy when his friend told him that there is no such coffee brewer known as krupps coffee maker.
So, they banter for a while, with daddy telling him how this machine is supposed to look like and the friend telling him that he cannot find any machine that matches this brand. In the end, daddy's friend is right. There is no such brand krupps, there is however a brand known as krups.
And of course, there is a coffee maker that matches the description that daddy says. Well, it is sort of a happy ending but you can see how confusing life can be when a word got spelled wrongly.
They are just talking about nonsensical stuff, can you imagine what would happen if they are talking serious things. I guess this is how misunderstanding comes about and maybe even how wars are started -wrong spelling...
But anyway, do you know that in the end the friend ended up buying that coffee maker online (as they are arguing and they are trashing it out on Google). This is one of the reason why daddy remembers this coffee machine vividly.
It is a real value for money. Retailing at only $40, this krups coffee maker comes with all the trappings of a full feature coffee machine that is retailing at more than $100. Seeing a good deal, daddy's friend bought it immediately.
Daddy was sharing with him that in Singapore retail stores, you probably would not be able to get such a deal because, the prices of coffee brewers are sort of fixed in the retail scene here. So,it is cheaper to buy machines online even after factoring the logistics cost.
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