Hey all, how is the Christmas preparation coming along? Busy huh? Well, the story is the same on my side, with so many visitations and get togethers, I am looking awfully tired (really missed my beauty sleep). Oh, by the way my god parents are in town for this festive season and I thought I would dedicate this post to them...;)
Especially for my god mother that has started her own line of bags!!:) Take note of this blog folks, who knows it might just have some historic value when this coolest bag company in Australia becomes the best bag company in Australia, and who knows maybe in the world!

Her concept is really cool, using old materials to make bags. Otherwise, people would usually throw away the old banners, old tires, but for her, it becomes bag materials. Isn't that cool knowing that everytime you purchased a bag, you are doing your part for the environment?
Well, I thought that was pretty cool so I yak abit about her company. Anyway, this should be my last post for the year, I have so many parties to go to that I think the rest of the time I should be catching up on my beauty sleep.
For those that missed my blarring, you just have to make do with my animated video slide shows for the time being. And this is singapore cutest baby reporting off for 2008...