Here is Singapore Cutest baby talking about her experience at one of the new places of interest in town -The Marina Barrage. Now, when daddy and mummy first said about going there, I thought it is going to be either a military museum or a fortress. You get the picture, I imagined it to be something really military.
You really cannot blame me, check out the definition for barrage:
1. A heavy curtain of artillery fire directed in front of friendly troops to screen and protect them.
2. A rapid, concentrated discharge of missiles, as from small arms.
2. An overwhelming, concentrated outpouring, as of words: a barrage of criticism.
tr.v., -raged, -rag·ing, -rag·es.
To direct a barrage at."
Of course, once we reach there, it is actually a reservoir that is pretty scenic and its purpose is to provide more water for us -the thirsty Singaporeans.
I cannot help but think that government really put in huge effort to make this reservoir and they even make it so pretty looking and so good for people to hang there. I saw people flying kites, drinking coffee, strolling and doing all sorts of family activities -and all these they do for free!
We enjoyed ourselves tremendously too. Mummy bought for me a PUB mascot -do you know what that is? If you know the mascot, do you know the name for the mascot?:)
Do check out the marina barrage if you are free, it is a good place to hang for 2-3 hours, the cafe is cozy and drinks are cafe standard...Nope, am not endorsing this marina barrage because they paid us or anything like that, simply doing it as it it really a nice place...:)
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