A great weekend of rest started with some deep thoughts.Just read an article about make-a-wish foundation on the MOnday strait times. They have fulfilled a young girl dreams of being an adult, of going clubbing, working in a company, and drinking coffee.
It was a sweet story and a very worth deed by the make-a-wish foundation. This little girl is stronger that so many people I have known and her parents are marvelous at making her dreams come true.
She go for her dreams no matter how small the possibility of having it being fulfilled, she holds that hope and have the faith to pursue it. I admired her not because her dream has come true, but because she dare to hope for it.
With a turmor in her and a very young girl, hoping to be an adult is such a scary thing. She probably know that her chance of making it to adulthood is 50-50, but she holds that hope.
She is brave.
My daddy shared stories with me and mummy about many people craving in and giving up what they believe in for the dough on table. I guess not everyone is fortunate enough to pursue what they like in life, but giving up your beliefs in exchange for still a job is sad.
A girl with a illness dare to dream of becoming an adult, but an adult does not have the courage to fulfill their childhood dream -what a paradox! Daddy wrote a short article on what it is to be great like an eagle, check it out...
Daddy and mummy never goes about to seek out a great meaning for my name, by God's grace, after piecing nice sounding chinese characters for me, my name is Yu See, or giving hope.
Daddy hope that I would be source of hope for people, and most importantly, I would dare to seek out the dreams and hopes that I have. It is his prayer that those dreams and hopes would not be dampened by the external factors, whatever that may be.
But, right now, I am the source of hope for daddy and mummy. A growing girl that needs to be pamper every 6 minutes or so. Singapore cutest baby needs some attention, don't you think so?:0