My ah yi lena recently drew a milo man, I think that he is the coolest milo drinker in Singapore, how many Milo drinker in singapore can fly after drinking it -he would probably be the only one.
Well, they drew it for fun, we all loves Milo, and so their company mascot -Mr Pipi would have to love it too, and this is how they think he is loving it...
Then, now for something fun...you all know that I am the singapore cutest baby right? I mean you type into Google and you would see that I am the front page right? Same thing with coolest milo drinker in singapore, he would be the front page too (type it in google if you do not believe me...)
Now, lena ai ye and daddy is hosting a contest right now for you to own or give the term you want to your love ones...Imagine being able to give your love one the biggest lollipop in singapore or even the largest teddy bear in singapore, isn't it cool?
And all these, they are going to do it for free! Of course, first you must join the contest. Oh, and I happened to be the judge! They would let me select the winning entry. I promised to be fair lah...
So. do check it out: Pipi Crazy Gifts Contest
That is about all, now mummy if you are reading this, yes yes, using gigi blog to do some advertising again, then again this is useful information for her followers right?:) At least the coolest milo drinker in singapore is not a salesy stuff...
wow!, This is absolutely COOL!!!I've already check the site and I'm already loving Mr. Pippi. It's so nice that we have this Crazy gift Ideas things. It gives me ideas on how I could surprise my love ones. Thinking of what gifts to give them really causes me headaches. Thanks for the article.
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