Was there a movie by the same name, I think it is by Clint Eastwood? Well, I am giving daddy and mummy mood such as this. One person would be the good, it is mummy heng of course, she is always good! Another person would be the bad, hmm...that is daddy heng, he is angry that I am angry..:)
Well, the "ugly" that would be me! Not my physical look but my mood of course! I would be so angry if you do not give me thing I want that I would bite my teeth and even tear my hair. And when the bad as in daddy heng wanted to discipline me, the good would come in to save the day..."sigh", this is so classical right?
Speaking of classical, anyone looking forward to the Oscars...this year is on the 22nd Feb huh, wonder if Hugh Jackman would do a good job hosting it or not? Anyway, the Golden Globe was so-so but the interesting thing that showed up during this event are the keurig coffee machines. Now, for those that wonders if this is yet another article written by my daddy to "sell" his website, it is not hor. The keurig coffee machines was given to all participants of the golden globe...so now Brad pitt, Sandra Bullock and many others would be drinking coffee from keurig...:) Anyway, on my own story, I hope I would be better behaved moving forward, would learn to be a good-er girl...:)