I am probably on the verge of learning how to talk, but I do not yet talk, instead I scream. I scream when my things drop, I scream when attention is not me and I scream when things just do not go my way.
Usually, people give in to me. But, last few days, I know daddy was quite angry over one of my screaming episode. He was trying to think some things to write for his keurig coffee maker article and I was there screaming at the top of my voice -he came over and in a ver stern voice warn me to keep my volume down.
Basically, I continue screaming and shaking his head, he goes back to where he was. You know what, I know that basically, I can get away with anything. If daddy is angry, I have mummy backing and if both of them are angry, I have Ah Ma backing.
Come to think of it, I might just be Singapore most influential baby -don't you think so?
I also know my time would come where disciplinary action would be mete out for my less than good behavoir, but until such time, I exist outside the clutches of the rules and regulation and one can only hope that the discipline comes later rather earlier.:)
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