Being Singapore cutest baby, from time to time, I have to defend my pride. So, recently when an ultra cute robot came to town (bearing an also very cute name wall-e), I know that if there is anytime to fight, it is now!
Therefore, I braced myself and went to Suntec Eng Wah for a confrontation with this rusty robot! I was preparing to give him a piece of me, i.e. maybe smearing him with some of my saliva or blarring at him with my shrill.
It turned out that this rusty robot wall-e is pretty cute, and docile, so much so that it did not make a sound all the while.
Since he took a step back, I take that as an affirmation that in Singapore, Eugenia is still the cutest! With that thought, I begin to smile and even took a few shots with him...
Having come all the way to suntec, with daddy complaining the ERP spending of S$4.50, I was thinking why not catch wall-e in action. Then, the size discrimination comes in.
They being the big folks decided that i was too "small" for movies and so we did not see any moving robots at all! "sigh" , they have champions and NGOs for all sorts of things, now that we "small" people are being discriminated, would there be a channel, a voice for us?
Maybe, just maybe, I might scramble some other "small people" and lobby for this cause -"anti-size discrimination"!
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