Follow the adventures of Wonder G (Eugenia) also known as Gigi as she explored the world. She aims to bring joy, a smile with her every posts -hope it brightens your day:)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Do you know what is being "thankful"?
"Give thanks", "this is the day that the lord has made, rejoice". All about being thankful. So, what exactly is being thankful? Check out this video and see how folks in another land are thankful for the very little things in life (hehe...abit exaggerated).
If we go through life being thankful and contented, can you imagine how blissful life would be?:)
Singapore cutest baby over and out with her two cents worth...
give thanks,
singapore cutest baby,
this is the day
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Good birthday gift ideas for women -an insight.
Now folks, birthday gift ideas for women is a sensitive topic (especially for guys, they all know how hard it is to please the ladies...). Get the wrong ones and it can be unevent daysss...
I am saying so because my birthday is really just around the corner and I am sort of mulling what I would get for my birthday -I have grown, becoming some lady like.
Just see what I am playing with now -flowers. I simply love these flowers. I play with it, eat with it, sleep with it and even though Lao yee and daddy and mummy do not allowed I try to bath with it as well!
I love these flowers. I call them my "tui tui", now that is an insight for all the clueless folks that are thinking about birthday gift ideas for women.
Flowers are the easiest thing which you can get for a lady and would not go wrong -just imagine a small girl like me also like them huh?! Anyway, as Mr Pipi has mentioned so many times, it is not the gift that matters but the delivery of it.
It is the experience. Okay, used the flower as an example again. You can see that it is not a very expensive toy but I simply love it...daddy and mummy has bought for me other nice toys, but I simply cannot be attached to them...
So, when you do use flowers as gifts for that beloved women in your life, remember to "give" it well. Never thrust the flowers to her just like that, it spoils all the fun, suspense and surprise...ladies like these elements as much as they like big diamonds...
So, how do you do what was being said? You have to invest some energy into the planning and fact why don't you check out this yourself: birthday gift ideas for women...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Coolest Milo drinker In Singapore...

My ah yi lena recently drew a milo man, I think that he is the coolest milo drinker in Singapore, how many Milo drinker in singapore can fly after drinking it -he would probably be the only one.
Well, they drew it for fun, we all loves Milo, and so their company mascot -Mr Pipi would have to love it too, and this is how they think he is loving it...
Then, now for something all know that I am the singapore cutest baby right? I mean you type into Google and you would see that I am the front page right? Same thing with coolest milo drinker in singapore, he would be the front page too (type it in google if you do not believe me...)
Now, lena ai ye and daddy is hosting a contest right now for you to own or give the term you want to your love ones...Imagine being able to give your love one the biggest lollipop in singapore or even the largest teddy bear in singapore, isn't it cool?
And all these, they are going to do it for free! Of course, first you must join the contest. Oh, and I happened to be the judge! They would let me select the winning entry. I promised to be fair lah...
So. do check it out: Pipi Crazy Gifts Contest
That is about all, now mummy if you are reading this, yes yes, using gigi blog to do some advertising again, then again this is useful information for her followers right?:) At least the coolest milo drinker in singapore is not a salesy stuff...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Look for them for any quick handmade gifts!
It took daddy almost one month to do up this video, this can probably be counted as a historical video. We do not know if anyone in RK has done it before, but here at Outpost 1 RK, we did it.
What you saw on videos are not any simple handmade gifts or art and craft, it is a process that incorporated three merits! By blending the various elements into the craft, the kids get outing, nature and art merit all within one day!
Sorry, it is actually only one hour! And the product is exceptional. With the help of few adults like Christina, derrick and Patricia, it was turned into a beautiful bookmark.
That is why, I said, next time anyone of you out there wants to look for a quick handmade gifts, check out these RK, they are "battle ready"...
Oh, daddy is the one typing this posts, so although he has been chirped by mummy heng not to make this blog into some sales machine, he cannot help but tried to promote his new site a little...
This month is both Hotdog and Baked beans month (no joke, elsewhere in the world, there are big celebrations all around) and to soft launch his new site, he is trying out a simple contest -check it out at his special gifts section...
Thanks for dropping by and would try to post something fun the next time round...
What you saw on videos are not any simple handmade gifts or art and craft, it is a process that incorporated three merits! By blending the various elements into the craft, the kids get outing, nature and art merit all within one day!
Sorry, it is actually only one hour! And the product is exceptional. With the help of few adults like Christina, derrick and Patricia, it was turned into a beautiful bookmark.
That is why, I said, next time anyone of you out there wants to look for a quick handmade gifts, check out these RK, they are "battle ready"...
Oh, daddy is the one typing this posts, so although he has been chirped by mummy heng not to make this blog into some sales machine, he cannot help but tried to promote his new site a little...
This month is both Hotdog and Baked beans month (no joke, elsewhere in the world, there are big celebrations all around) and to soft launch his new site, he is trying out a simple contest -check it out at his special gifts section...
Thanks for dropping by and would try to post something fun the next time round...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
GiGi and Guin Guin in Jurong Bird Park!
Jurong bird park is cool...Actually I been to zoo bird park just seems to be much better. I cannot remember if there are any penguins display in the zoo, but the one at jurong birdpark singapore rocks! Check out the video to see how singapore cutest baby swam with the penguins!!:)
However, that is the amount of attention I have. Other than penguins, I did not manage to see any other birds, I was walking around, refusing the attention of mummy and daddy causing much grief...:)
This is all growing pains right? I would have to visit the jurong bird park again to see my penguin friends and also to check out other birds that this sg bird park has...
Jurong bird park,
jurong birdpark singapore,
sg bird park,
singapore bird park,
zoo bird park
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
See What see!:)
Recently, daddy and mummy says that my attitude has taken a turn for the worse, it is really so?Come on, this is growing pains right? I am just being me. Well, to start with, daddy and mummy are also very "aggressive" people mah.
Take the last trip to changi airport, because the shop owner refuses to sell us the M&M big toy, our whole heng heng family stare at the shop for a whole 100 milli seconds!:)
Yup, that is how the picture look like...these few days was not feeling too good, think ate too much the orange peel or was it the cranberries, regardless, think is the food that makes me sick, went to KK again...:0
Hope I recover well and soon you would see more interesting posts and photos
See ya and out from singapore cutest baby...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Do you know that my chinese name is giving hope?
A great weekend of rest started with some deep thoughts.Just read an article about make-a-wish foundation on the MOnday strait times. They have fulfilled a young girl dreams of being an adult, of going clubbing, working in a company, and drinking coffee.
It was a sweet story and a very worth deed by the make-a-wish foundation. This little girl is stronger that so many people I have known and her parents are marvelous at making her dreams come true.
She go for her dreams no matter how small the possibility of having it being fulfilled, she holds that hope and have the faith to pursue it. I admired her not because her dream has come true, but because she dare to hope for it.
With a turmor in her and a very young girl, hoping to be an adult is such a scary thing. She probably know that her chance of making it to adulthood is 50-50, but she holds that hope.
She is brave.
My daddy shared stories with me and mummy about many people craving in and giving up what they believe in for the dough on table. I guess not everyone is fortunate enough to pursue what they like in life, but giving up your beliefs in exchange for still a job is sad.
A girl with a illness dare to dream of becoming an adult, but an adult does not have the courage to fulfill their childhood dream -what a paradox! Daddy wrote a short article on what it is to be great like an eagle, check it out...
Daddy and mummy never goes about to seek out a great meaning for my name, by God's grace, after piecing nice sounding chinese characters for me, my name is Yu See, or giving hope.
Daddy hope that I would be source of hope for people, and most importantly, I would dare to seek out the dreams and hopes that I have. It is his prayer that those dreams and hopes would not be dampened by the external factors, whatever that may be.
But, right now, I am the source of hope for daddy and mummy. A growing girl that needs to be pamper every 6 minutes or so. Singapore cutest baby needs some attention, don't you think so?:0
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Kris Allen won America Idol, here is 5 reasons why he won.
You guessed it, I am too young to enjoyed America Idol or knows who Kris Allen or Adam Lambert is. So, this page is written by my parents (which one? You guess lor).
Here is 5 reasons why Kris Allen won the show:
Cool factor
No, it is not because that Allen is cool so he won the contest, in fact lambert is the cooler among the two and that might have to lead to his losing.
He is from Los Angeles so the folks in his area are probably all like him -they too are cool. Being cool, do you think they would bother with something as "juvenile" as voting?
Lambert probably lost many votes in this way.
Comfort Factor
I do not know how many of you like the way Lambert looks, I definitely do not want my children to look like him! Allen on the other hand is shy, all american boy and devout christian -a man that is easy to like.
This would get him plenty more votes than lambert I believe.
Gokey factor
You are probably aware taht Gokey is very much like Allen, and so when he is out, I am not surprised that is fans would throw their weight behind Allen.
Moreover, Gokey pastor Jeff Pruit actually send out twitter messages to get Gokey fans to support Allen, with the save Kris Allen message.
This means more votes for Allen.
Worry factor
Throughout the contest, we have seen how the judges have showered praises on Adam Lambert and this might have gotten some of Kris Allen fans worried.
They might have rally more people to support Kris allen to mitigate the effect of the judges favortisim.
boring factor
Think about it, what it is that adam lambert do? Why he sings high pitch and like a rocker, and that is about it. Allen, he plays the piano, he plays the guitar. He is innovative and different.
This again would win him some votes from the side liners.
All these adds out to become the biggest upset for American Idol that has been running for 8 seasons!
This is the biggest thing and is the talk of the talk so thought I insert it in. Otherwise, nothing much happens, except that daddy has a new ebook that is free on his site, if free, can download and read it
adam lambert,
american idol,
kris allen,
singapore cutest baby
Monday, May 4, 2009
What happened during my Malaysia trip?
As promised, SIngapore cutest baby has to report what happened during the malaysia trip. SOmething big happened, I meant really BIG.
You know babies like us are always being treated to sweets and all those other good stuffs. So, when we go to Malaysia, Mummy and daddy bought for me a chupa-chu. I dont know if that is the correct spelling, but you can get the point.
Then, we sit on the plane and went over to Malaysia. Have you heard about the saying that once in Malaysia, things that are small tend to get very big!!:) (**hint: check out the newspaper and look at their politics, they have meetings and meetings after a chair, how "big" can an issue on chair be right?).
So, anyway we went for mummy cousins wedding, and then on the way back, magical things happened! My chupa-chu grows! I mean grows to be as big as ME...
Gosh, I should have brought my favorite toy spider (I love the itsy weensy spider song) and maybe I would get a very big spider. ANyway, enjoyed the photos and be awed...

You know babies like us are always being treated to sweets and all those other good stuffs. So, when we go to Malaysia, Mummy and daddy bought for me a chupa-chu. I dont know if that is the correct spelling, but you can get the point.
Then, we sit on the plane and went over to Malaysia. Have you heard about the saying that once in Malaysia, things that are small tend to get very big!!:) (**hint: check out the newspaper and look at their politics, they have meetings and meetings after a chair, how "big" can an issue on chair be right?).
So, anyway we went for mummy cousins wedding, and then on the way back, magical things happened! My chupa-chu grows! I mean grows to be as big as ME...
Gosh, I should have brought my favorite toy spider (I love the itsy weensy spider song) and maybe I would get a very big spider. ANyway, enjoyed the photos and be awed...
Monday, April 27, 2009
My Mummy is very friendly!:)

We all know that Singapore cutest baby mummy is a friendly person! But, do you know how friendly she is? Well, try this, she has 2000 over followers in her twitter account without doing anything.
Daddy Heng is experimenting with twitter for his business with free gifts and stuff and is not even near where mummy is. Oh, and mummy is ranked 27th in Singapore, they ranked with you based on the number of followers.
If you looked at the picture, you would noticed that most of the accounts has been in the system for months. Mummy got no results-why? Well, that is because she has been doing it for only less than a month!
Not too bad for a less than one month account right?
Just came back from a relative's wedding in Malaysia, would update more on my stint. Not too bad, manages to sleep...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Singapore cutest baby first major injury!
For those that had followed my blog, you would noticed that I did not post for quite some time -i cant! Firstly, I was down with flu, cough, pleghm and those usual little children ailment.
But, the most important reason is that i clamped my fingers (so cannot type lah), how bad was it? Well, check out that photo, I lost my fingernails. Mummy, granny and many others are worried that my fingernails would not grow back.
If you look at the photo, my pinky now have not nails, and recently my nails just drop off. Daddy is keeping the nail as remembrance, maybe next time would set up a cabinet on my "milestone stuff"...
I hope it does, if not my nail polish would not look nice without a fingernail. I wonder if they have fake nails for that?
Anyway, nothing much to update since I was sick, granny and kuku went to china and just came back today.
Mummy is working hard marking her books, with me trying to vie for her time at night.
Daddy still working hard on his venture, and he recently discovered a new toy, known as twitter, and has make some money from it -selling some info products!:)
Hmm...mummy and daddy is planning to go to Malaysia with me next weekend, and has booked the tickets, but would not be bringing me if my sickness still persists -praying hard that I would be well by next week.
For all that is feeling down (I was, imagine losing a fingernail!), there is this beautiful quote by rick warren which is so true:
You would know that God is all you need, when God is all you have!:)
So, remember folks, he is always there, when we are weak, he becomes stronger! God bless...
Btw, mummy and daddy each has a twitter account, follow them and learn about education in singapore from mummy and coffee for daddy...
rick warren,
singapore cutest baby,
twitter account
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Barraging in Marina Barrage
Here is Singapore Cutest baby talking about her experience at one of the new places of interest in town -The Marina Barrage. Now, when daddy and mummy first said about going there, I thought it is going to be either a military museum or a fortress. You get the picture, I imagined it to be something really military.
You really cannot blame me, check out the definition for barrage:
1. A heavy curtain of artillery fire directed in front of friendly troops to screen and protect them.
2. A rapid, concentrated discharge of missiles, as from small arms.
2. An overwhelming, concentrated outpouring, as of words: a barrage of criticism.
tr.v., -raged, -rag·ing, -rag·es.
To direct a barrage at."
Of course, once we reach there, it is actually a reservoir that is pretty scenic and its purpose is to provide more water for us -the thirsty Singaporeans.
I cannot help but think that government really put in huge effort to make this reservoir and they even make it so pretty looking and so good for people to hang there. I saw people flying kites, drinking coffee, strolling and doing all sorts of family activities -and all these they do for free!
We enjoyed ourselves tremendously too. Mummy bought for me a PUB mascot -do you know what that is? If you know the mascot, do you know the name for the mascot?:)
Do check out the marina barrage if you are free, it is a good place to hang for 2-3 hours, the cafe is cozy and drinks are cafe standard...Nope, am not endorsing this marina barrage because they paid us or anything like that, simply doing it as it it really a nice place...:)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The single cup coffee maker deal
Wow, is been close to a month since the singapore cutest baby make any post, so here goes. Nothing much has happened since then but there is this interesting single cup coffee maker that daddy is talking quite a bit to mummy that is pretty interesting.
Seems like there is an opportunity or sort for daddy and friends to do a particular brand of single serve coffee maker in singapore and if they would to do it well, possibly they can make some money out of it.
Do not know how that is going to work, so long as they all have fun doing it right? That is the most important right? Oh, speaking of fun, mummy was having some great time when one of her good friend Evelyn came back to look for her one of the days.
They chatted and have a good session after church and thereafter even go back together in a same cab. Oh, daddy was attending some church lesson so was not able to send us back.
From what the adults are saying, time is really bad these days and we are all praying all friends and relatives would have joy and peace through this time.
Till the next time, oh by the way if you are reading this, I would be going for my eye check tomorrow. prayed that everything would be well, okay?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The good, the bad and the ugly...
Was there a movie by the same name, I think it is by Clint Eastwood? Well, I am giving daddy and mummy mood such as this. One person would be the good, it is mummy heng of course, she is always good! Another person would be the bad, hmm...that is daddy heng, he is angry that I am angry..:)
Well, the "ugly" that would be me! Not my physical look but my mood of course! I would be so angry if you do not give me thing I want that I would bite my teeth and even tear my hair. And when the bad as in daddy heng wanted to discipline me, the good would come in to save the day..."sigh", this is so classical right?
Speaking of classical, anyone looking forward to the Oscars...this year is on the 22nd Feb huh, wonder if Hugh Jackman would do a good job hosting it or not? Anyway, the Golden Globe was so-so but the interesting thing that showed up during this event are the keurig coffee machines. Now, for those that wonders if this is yet another article written by my daddy to "sell" his website, it is not hor. The keurig coffee machines was given to all participants of the golden now Brad pitt, Sandra Bullock and many others would be drinking coffee from keurig...:) Anyway, on my own story, I hope I would be better behaved moving forward, would learn to be a good-er girl...:)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sick of that free coffee mug!
I was sick these few days, not very sick but sick enough that lao yee called daddy and mummy during the day to bring me to see the doctor. Oh, and we did not got to the usual doc vanessa at Kidslink, we went to some Doc lok in tampines. The waiting time is fine but dun know why they took so long to prescribe the medicine! We waited 30 minutes for the medicine, maybe they have to make it!
Oh, why am I sick again -hmm...dun go for free stuff! My daddy suspect alot of things, but generally his suspicion is very pointed at a free coffee mug that we have from some colgate or darlie (cannot remember the toothpaste), that I was playing and the result is that that might have caused my sickness.
Of course, he also suspect that it might be the biscuit, the wedding buffet, the pot of plants that ah man keep (he suspect that mozzie or some unwanted pest might have bitten me.
Anyway, the list is long and I am already sick, so even if he finds the culprit so what!:P
Hey, on a lighter side of things, I have learned quite a few things these days, "wave" to me or asked me to "clap" and see how I would react...:) Daddy is quite impressed with Dr Tizzer...
eugenia is sick,
free coffee mugs,
sick in sengkang
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Singapore cutest baby scream
I am probably on the verge of learning how to talk, but I do not yet talk, instead I scream. I scream when my things drop, I scream when attention is not me and I scream when things just do not go my way.
Usually, people give in to me. But, last few days, I know daddy was quite angry over one of my screaming episode. He was trying to think some things to write for his keurig coffee maker article and I was there screaming at the top of my voice -he came over and in a ver stern voice warn me to keep my volume down.
Basically, I continue screaming and shaking his head, he goes back to where he was. You know what, I know that basically, I can get away with anything. If daddy is angry, I have mummy backing and if both of them are angry, I have Ah Ma backing.
Come to think of it, I might just be Singapore most influential baby -don't you think so?
I also know my time would come where disciplinary action would be mete out for my less than good behavoir, but until such time, I exist outside the clutches of the rules and regulation and one can only hope that the discipline comes later rather earlier.:)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Happy Chinese New year!
As mentioned in the previous post, it is a busy period, and chinese new year is especially hectic running from place to place for visitation and stuff. This time round, we really spend a lot of time in mummy god mum house where all the relatives congregate.
It was fun in the beginning and then I started to make noise and becomes a little bit uncontrollable that daddy and mummy has to bring me home. Oh, some of the special guest that we have are my god pa's parents.
They are in town, and they join us for a celebration in this cny eating goodies and trading stories. Of course, they got to drink mummy god pa's renowned coffee, which daddy said is better than coffee from keurig coffee maker, which he thinks makes one of the best coffee around.
Anyway, the festive mood come and go, and by now the fourth day of new year, everything should be very much back to normal and I would be back to my lao yee house and look forward to the next holiday which is in...gosh...april it is?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Busy busy year for SCB
Everything needs an acronym nowadays, so for me Singapore Cutest baby, from now on, it would officially be known as SCB! Boy, was I busy these days, first there is the party rush during christmas, then the visitation rush for this Chinese New Year, and then there is the the Valentine day just around the corner. Of course, I am not that bother, it is my daddy that has to be concerned. Just worried for him...:)
Btw, my auntie lena has this great site, and I thought I promote a bit for her -it is known as yours truly only and as the name suggests, it is about customizing gift the way you like.
She make a video and here is how it goes:
Btw, my auntie lena has this great site, and I thought I promote a bit for her -it is known as yours truly only and as the name suggests, it is about customizing gift the way you like.
She make a video and here is how it goes:
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
This is love:) very Sweet story

When daddy share this story with mummy, she found it so sweet. The innocence and the audacity of the plan highlights what a group of children has that most adult do not have.
The story has it that a pair of 5 and 6 years old want to elope to Africa (they were from Germany) to get married under the sun. All they took are sunglasses and some food. The interesting thing is they even took their little sister to be their witness.
You cannnot probably say that they love each other, they probably do not know much about it, then again how many of us can say we truly know the meaning of love?:) But, you got to give credit for the planning (I mean even brought a witness along!), and the willingness to forsakes the comfort of their own home!
The sad thing is after you grow up, love and the softer (usually sweeter things) things in life take a backseat and they are replaced by a relentless pursuit of things.
Yes, just things. We all clamour for a better job, better pay, much more bonuses so that we can buy more things! If you have a house, then it is to buy a bigger house, a bigger TV, a better Stereo sets...The marketing folks at all the major MNC created so many excuses to "persuade" you that those things are for you!
Relationship has to start later, wedding is expensive and child raising is a liability! Relationship is the thing that differs us and set us apart from just animals, but as society evolves, seems to be the least that people are thinking about.
This is the perfect story for this season as people are giving and talking about love and stuff, nothing is sweeter than a pair of children showing the world what they would risk to be together.
They might get together some time in the future but for now, they might have to live like the rest of us and hopefully they would not lose the courage to love as they grow older...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Singapore cutest babies versus best coffee makers
Harlow aunties and uncles -Happy New Year! wow, time files and mummy is back to school and daddy is back to work (well sort of...). For me, it is life back to normal with Lao Yee and everyday trying to figure out life a little bit more.
Daddy and mummy says that I am going through a difficult stage now -"cannot let go stage". As long as the thing is in my hand, I cannot let go, whether it is daddy's car keys or his best coffee makers handbook, once I have it, I would cling on it with my dear life.
ANd if you try to snatch it away from me, first I would give a wail, then many cries, followed by twitching my entire body! While I have suffer numerous bums on my head due to this folly, I do not really care, in the end, I must have the things I want.
Well, most of the time I win, unless of course daddy is firm and take the things away from me. Take last night for an example, I went to bed with daddy's car keys...:) Victory for the time being is mine, but I know as I grow older, it might get tougher as my folks devised ways to discipline me.
But, I choose to enjoy the attention while it last, no matter what I believed I would still my supporters like Ah Ma and Lao yee...:)
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