13th Jan 2008 (Sunday)
Mummy and Daddy brought me to Pentecostal Church of Singapore. This is my first service of the year. I slept through the service and didn’t wake up even with much cajoling from all the aunties. The singing and preaching were soothing to my ears.
So, here is a taking care of baby tip: get them used to loud environment at a young age and they would not be scared of loud noises later on in life....
In church, Mummy was brimming with joy while daddy was "plotting" with one of his friends on something about how to clean coffee maker stuff, daddy as you know is very much into coffee nowadays
Later in the afternoon, we went to my mummy’s godparents’ place. I address them as “ye ye” and “nai nai” too… I poo and Ye Ye gave me a red packet...hehe, that is so encouraging, wanna me to poo more?:) That would be the way in taking care of baby, encouraging them in everything they do.