26th Dec 2007 ( Wednesday )
Poo: 1 time Feed: 560 ml
I did not sleep after my feed at 12.50am. Auntie Aimei kept me company until 2.20am when I asked for milk! Soon after the feed, I slept through the night.
Auntie Aimei dressed me in a pretty pink suit, the one that Auntie Sharon passed to Mummy… It was very tight-fitting and I looked sexy in it!
Mummy played with me using the stimuli blocks and took a video of me staring into space with my hands waving wildly….
Mummy told the story of the Baby in the Manger twice to me…
I really cannot sleep still… My sleeping position always changes… from 12 o’clock position, I can move myself to align at 10 o’clock, and even 9 o’clock!
Mummy sang ‘Jesus Loves the Little Children’ as she rocked me to sleep…
Mummy’s pupil, Jania, and her family came and see me. Jie Jie Jania is the one who always ‘sayang’ my mummy’s tummy and says ‘bye bye Eugenia’ before she goes home after school! Hee, such a sweet jie jie! Oh, Jie Jie Jania came with her mummy, Auntie Jeannie and her two sisters, Jie Jie Jael and Jie Jie Janine. Auntie Jeannie and her family prayed for me, my Daddy and my Mummy before they left. Oh, the prayer was in Mandarin! It was a very wonderful prayer… thanks Auntie Jeannie and all the jie jies! Jie Jie Jania gave Mummy a hug before she left… how sweet…
Daddy told Mummy some time ago that everyday Mummy must help him to tell me “ Daddy loves you! ”…. I love you Daddy too!....
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