28th Dec 2007 ( Friday )
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The day began with Daddy and Mummy praying for me…the most beautiful way to start a day….
Mummy… I am having a cold soon, quick quick!!! Yes! Today, Mummy had her first go of bathing me… Oooo.. she was pretty nervous and forgot to prepare some of the necessities such as my fresh change, mittens,booties, diapers, handkerchief etc… Auntie Aimei guided Mummy in cleaning my face and bottom.. when Mummy took off my mittens and booties, I felt so insecure! I was looking for things to grab… and there, I managed to grab my mummy’s shirt…
Now, going into the water was another challenge for Mummy! Mummy had problems carrying me in the right position to wash my hair… No worries, Auntie Aimei came to the rescue! Later, when Mummy slowly placed me in the water, I could feel myself slipping… oh no, not into the ‘swimming pool’!
Thereafter, Auntie Aimei took over as she was afraid that I catch a cold…
I behaved well though, throughout the whole bath… I did not wail, kick or make noise! Hee, knew that it would be tough for Mum, so I tried to remain as clam as possible! Mummy appreciated that a lot!
Auntie Aimei said Mummy must observe more… Yes! Please, Mummy!
Mummy prepared the milk today and fed me! She tested the water at her wrist-back and then popped the milk bottle into my mouth! Mummy thanked God for the milk and told me that we will start saying grace from this day onwards.
Oh, I let out a loud ‘ang gu’ sound today! That thrilled Auntie Aimei and Mummy lots!
Auntie Rachel, Auntie Rachel and Auntie Celes came today… They are my Mummy’s buddies, it was good to see them chatting happily with Mummy. Auntie Rachel and Auntie Lay Syn patted me to sleep…This is the second time Auntie Celes came to visit me, so sweet of her as always… Auntie Geraldine blessed me with a packet of diapers too!
Auntie Pearlyn surprised the whole family with a gigantic pinky box! We were shocked at the size of it… It is so much bigger than me, I think maybe 10 times in size! Thank you Auntie Pearlyn for the sweet surprise!
Speaking of presents and surprises -wanna get something to surprise your love ones? Check out my own little store to see if there is something that you like...

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